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What is this book about?


9 Seconds!


  • Would you like to know what goes on during those 9 seconds?
  • Why your brand was rejected or accepted?
  • What trigger d the decision in favor of your competitor?
  • What are you already doing right? And what do you need to improve urgently?
  • Where are the pitfalls and the opportunities in smashing your brand?
  • What did the scientists discover when drawing parallels between religion and powerful brands?


Buyochemistry is a book by Wade Younger which analyzes what makes people buy. Younger identifies the factors that influence buyers' decisions in a world cluttered with messages such as advertisements, slogans, jingles and celebrity endorsements.  Younger, through a study of the human psyche, explains the subconscious mind and its role in deciding what the buyer will buy.


Younger’s study evaluates the effectiveness of logos, product placement and subliminal advertising, the influence of our senses and the correlation between religion and branding.


Buyochemistry’s results have proven what has been theorized by some, practiced by few, and documented by none. As wide-ranging as it is deep, Buyochemistry’s findings will build unprecedently powerful brands.


  • Discover how to optimize your brand, based on the latest neuroscience.
  • Learn how to run marketing campaigns, paid for by your customers.
  • Discover the next Big Thing: micro branding.
  • Understand what to do when the consumer runs your brand.
  • Prepare your brand for Generation Tomorrow.


In more than 70% of cases, the decision to buy one item in favor of a competitor product is made in the four seconds before the consumer takes their choice from the store shelf.

Buyochemistry - The science of Sales & Marketing

SKU: BC012020
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